Jan Irvin on Spingola Speaks 2013.05.22

janJan Irvin talks with Deanna about his extensive research into the systematic dumbing down and brainwashing of the American people.

Topics include: The Fabien Society, Feminism, the 60’s “counter-culture”, psychedelic drugs, psychology, MK-ULTRA, mind control, eugenics, the CIA, health, the corruption of science and physics, pharmaceutical drugs, the “sexual revolution”, the Trivium, the NAACP, propaganda, and how all of these are being used against us by a tiny minority.

Jan was startled to find out that around 70%-80% of all of the prominent figures involved in this deliberate brainwashing agenda come from a Jewish background.

A very fascinating discussion!


Find more of Jan’s work at his website http://www.gnosticmedia.com/

Deanna’s site: http://spingola.com/

Help our brother in arms, Michael Weaver

51a1cf8345a43_b58973d13a053c0a53ad2d48be020dbcMichael Weaver was railroaded by the Jews, spent 21 months in prison and had his life destroyed, simply for his devotion to the cause of our people.  This could have happened to any one of us.

Our only strength is in solidarity.  We must stand with our brother.

Help the guy out.

If you would like to donate to Michael through the mail, you can send money orders or well concealed cash to:

Michael Weaver
18 Hedgerow Ct.
Cartersville GA 30120

We have also set up a donation page, where you can provide assistance through PayPal or credit card.  Any little bit helps.

Read about Michael’s story here

Listen to his recent interview on The Realist Report with John Friend here

Michael is available for interviews.  He is trying to bring as much attention to his case as he can before he goes back to court.  His blog is at news4whites.blogspot.com.


The Blitzkrieg Broadcast w/ Kyle Hunt 5-20-13

brudershield-e1369075968307-300x300The Wild Hunt and The Eternal Stampede

Kyle discusses some history of white slavery and how it relates to our current struggle, martyrs and prisoners of the past, “The Order”, spiritual warfare and esoteric empowerment, and inculcating a victorious mindset.

Renegade Archive
BlogTalk Archive
Renegade Broadcasting
National Protectionism

Norwegian cartoon exposes the Jewish rabbinical blood ritual of mutilating and sucking on baby penises

Rabbi: Abuse? No, this is tradition! An important part of our religion!
Officer 1: Religion? Oh yes, then it’s fine!
Officer 2: Sorry for the interruption

“So virulently anti-Semitic it would make Hitler and Himmler weep tears of joy.” – Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean of The Simon Wiesenthal Center

“[the cartoon] cannot be viewed separately from centuries of libels in Christian circles that try to establish a link between the ritual abuse of blood and the Jewish faith.” – Manfred Gerstenfeld, former chairman of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs

“it is not uncommon to compare “brit milah” with cutting off limbs and calling it mutilation. This is a form of lying, propaganda.” – Ervin Kohn, president of Norway’s Jewish community

“. . . dripping with hate and anti-Semitism,” – Dr. Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress

Jewish groups are actually calling this cartoon a “hate crime” and plan on suing. source

Heroic Nationalists take to the streets to fight off the immigrant rioters, traitorous police, and hate-crazed Marxists in Sweden

“Tonight we take back our city from these criminals!”

Hundreds of swedes gathered in Stockholm to end the race riots

For the last week, the capital of Sweden has been the centre of Swedish race riots with immigrant gangs and left-wing supporters aligning and burning cars, buildings, throwing stones at the police, emergency medical personnel and fire-fighters, as well as attacking innocent Swedish citizens.

The police and the politicians has been unwilling or unable to stop the riotings, and after a few days it spread to other parts of Stockholm and even different cities in the north, west and south of Sweden. On Friday 24th of May, hundreds of nationalists and non-political swedes gathered in Stockholm to take actions and stop the rioters from destroying their city. Their goal was to secure their city, after the government had failed to do so.

Between 300 to 400 distraught swedes gathered on Friday night to begin patrolling the primarily affected areas of Stockholm. The Swedish police force tried to stop the swedes from proceeding by checking ID on many of them, detaining them while doing so, and by stopping their cars and perform random searches. The police attacked one of the Swedish groups and arrested several people for no concrete or apparent reason. The majority of the groups continued their work and encountered several rioters that were dealt with accordingly.

The mass media and the left-wing supporters are quick to label the impromptu vigilantes ”neonazis” and ”right-wing extremists” in a desperate hope to stop the swiftly growing support for the group on social sites on the internet. An associated Facebook group started in support of the initiative quickly gathered over 7000 ”Likes” in it’s first 24 hours.

A spokesperson for the vigilantes commented on the matter and declared that any swede is welcome to join and fight the riots, no matter his or hers political views. The vigilantes continued to oppose the rioters in Stockholm and confronted a larger group of immigrants as they were throwing rocks at cars and people. They forced this group of rioters to retreat, but not before some of them had been taught a harsh lesson.

More angry swedes continued to join the vigilantes in smaller groups, wanting to play a part in the mission to clean up the city. The message is clear, said a spokesperson for the vigilantes:

”Any attacks on Swedish society is an attack on the Swedish people, and will be retaliated against. We do not negotiate with terrorists; talk with your friends and your family. Tonight we take back our city from these criminals!”

There were also rumours that armed immigrants wanted to find the vigilantes and kill them, all this while the vigilantes continue their search for rioting immigrants and Marxists. It is also confirmed that left wing extremists have joined cause with the immigrant gangs in their rioting. They see the race riotings, the burning of cars and the throwing rocks at police, ambulances and fire-fighters as a ”class war”. Even though the cars being set ablaze and the people injured by their violence are ordinary Swedish people and primarily working-class day labourers. Continue reading

Under Two Flags by Heinz Weichardt (A Jew in 1930’s Germany and America)


Under Two Flags

by Heinz Weichardt

Under Two Flags


After years of urging my dear friend Heinz Weichardt to make at least a partial memoir of the vicissitudes of his interesting life, he finally was persuaded by Louis Beam, whom he met last year, to do so. This article was originally in the form of a letter to Louis.

Heinz certainly has had an unusual perspective of the Twentieth Century. A supporter of Hitler who left Germany as an unwanted non-Aryan, he became an enemy alien in America. As the years passed, Heinz became successful in his field of physics (electron-optics), retiring from IBM as a manager in its research division. As his article reveals, he never wavered in his support for National Socialism, even if he had himself been rejected by it.

Lately there has appeared a peculiar contempt for Historical Revisionism. The latter has undeniably been slashing and chopping the roots of contemporary Jewish power, so Heinz was very unsettled by such criticism. He told me often that when the Holocaust was beginning to be promoted in the 1960s he could only recall his school days in Germany. “I went to school with those fellows in the SS. I knew that they were simply not capable of behavior which the Jews were ascribing to them.” He felt that Revisionism was crucial to the regeneration of his once-beloved Germany which has staggered under the libels of Jewish-American lies for fifty years. The same goes for this miserable country.

Heinz believed that our goal must be to disfranchise Jews, to dislodge them from government, medicine, law, education, the arts and, of course, from the media. He believes that to criticize those who have demonstrated the Holocaust to be a lie only helps to maintain the Jews as our overlords.

It doesn’t matter if one genius today says he knew the Holocaust was phony in 1958 and because of that Revisionism is a waste of time. I don’t notice any reduction of Holocaust poison in the media today; our children continue to receive it. They must be protected from deadly lies. We adults must grow up, too. The truth will make us mad. It may make us fight. The fighting may one day make us free.

J. B. Campbell

February 23, 1995 Continue reading

Faith in the Struggle by Ian Stuart


“The corridors of power, of this once great nation, have been hijacked by creatures of the worst kind. In some circumstances some of these creatures are actually British people. These traitors, even more than the aliens who control their every move, must be dealt with more severely than anybody else, when the final reckoning finally comes.”

“We must realize that we, and our enemies, are engaged in a struggle for the survival of the European races. If we fail we will be destroyed along with European civilization; and we must accept in our hearts, that if victory is eventually ours we must deal with our enemies in the most ruthless fashion. If we do not destroy their cancer at the root we will have to face up to its reincarnation at a later stage.” Continue reading